Tooth Brush Theory

Maremia Azani
2 min readAug 11, 2024


At first glance this might sound a bit silly, but brushing your teeth is a good activity for practicing mindfulness, precisely because it’s so repetitive. — Headspace

I named this theory based on my experience talking with a psychologist. She told me one thing that I could implement to reduce my overthinking. This method is purposely created to make us focus on one thing (being present).

We often face so many things in our life but we do it automatically. Our minds love to travel around. So we easily forget something, become unfocused, and lack of sleep. Despite all the medical reasons about it, our mind is exhausted by thinking so many things at one time.

And brushing our teeth is a daily activity that can turn into a mindfulness exercise. By tasting the toothpaste, paying attention to the color of the paste, how it feels while you brush your teeth, how is your movement, the texture of the brush, the foam in your mouth, and everything about it. JUST PAY ATTENTION TO IT. Feel it, taste it, and look at it.

In my experience, this method works well, and never thought that this activity could work. I was going like, “Woah. It’s actually works on me.”

I can say it’s not easy for the first time, but experience makes it better.
If as simple as brushing our teeth teaches us to live more mindful. That means there are a lot of simple things around us that can teach us the same things right?

